What’s the biggest entrepreneurial mistake I see passionate world-changers making? It’s the main reason why they find it so hard to turn their dreams into reality. And it’s surprisingly common – but also simple to fix, when you know how.

I've definitely been there and got that t-shirt. And it's a pattern I still find it easy to slip back into, if I'm not watching myself!

So, in this week’s video podcast, I take you through how to spot whether you’re making this mistake, how to clear out those hidden blocks, and I give you a challenge that will help you to turn things around, in the next seven days.

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When you sing the song of not being supported, that is what you will see.
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Show Notes For The Biggest Entrepreneurial Mistake:
Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook
Make sure you have ordered your copy of the Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook, which gives you all the ‘how-to’ you need on how to sort out secondary gain – and how to spot and ditch your out-of-date limiting beliefs, hidden blocks and fears. There's a whole section in Step 4 on how to deal with your hidden dream team blocks - and how to figure out what support you need - and to get it! Here’s where to get your copy:

[thrive_link color='cjpurple' link='http://www.daretodreambiggerhandbook.com' target='_self' size='medium' align='left']Order Your Copy[/thrive_link]

Stepping Up Mastermind
Starting on December 1st – doors are now open for applications.
Over the six months we will cover the steps in the Dare To Dream Bigger Handbook in much more detail, applied specifically to your business dreams and blocks. By the end of this Mastermind, you will be shifting your business to the next level, whatever that means for you. And you get lifelong access to your secret Masterminders group on Facebook.

[thrive_link color='cjpurple' link='http://www.steppingupmastermind.com' target='_self' size='medium' align='']Find Out More[/thrive_link]

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Watch the video  and then let me know, via the comments:
Were you making the biggest entrepreneurial mistake?
What’s the first thing you’re going to hand over to someone who loves doing it even more than you? And what action are you going to take, by the end of this week, to clear out your hidden blocks on this?

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And if you enjoyed today's episode, make sure you're getting my weekly newsletter, for inspiration and insider secrets from 14 years of mentoring passionate world-changers. I'd love to share it with you:

Know anyone else who needs to avoid the biggest entrepreneurial mistake? Please share this episode far and wide on social media, especially where any fellow passionate world-changers might be hanging out!

Thank you.

With love, Namaste,
