How to get more done, in less time, for free.
Do you ever feel totally overwhelmed by being the boss of your own business? Do you feel like you're spinning more plates than a professional circus act? What happened to the freedom and spare time that you thought would come with being an entrepreneur?

I feel your pain! I've been the boss for over 12 years now and, over that time, I have discovered my favourite ways of wasting time, procrastinating and being so busy that I almost forget to pee.

I want to help, so here are ten of my favourite productivity tips, all of which will help you to get more done, in less time, for free. And they might not be what you think...

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Stuck in #biz overwhelm? How to get more done, in less time, for free.
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1. Remember Your Big Why
Ok, so what has your driving passion, your reason for running your business, got to do with productivity? Because when you crank up your passion, it's easier to stay focussed and you will be much more likely to spot the activities that will make the biggest difference, rather than those that just keep you busy.
When you're feeling listless, lost and stuck, then distractions and procrastinating suddenly look like your new best friends.

If you want outstanding growth and exceptional results, then you need to have complete focus on the actions that will make the vital difference.
If you have lost touch with your Big Why and turned into a 'to do' list robot, then 'outstanding' and 'exceptional' are going to be well outside your reach. You risk getting lost in the detail and missing breakthrough opportunities.

Your Big Why is what connects you with your passion, your intuition and your drive. Lose them and you're on a one-way ticket to Distractiville.

Your Big Why helps you to spot the key steps you need to take, to move towards your Big Vision Goal, without getting lost in the little stuff.

So revisiting your Big Why is a great way of getting back on track - and the bonus is that it energises you, too.

2. Stop Multi-Tasking
Us ladies are often proud of our multi-tasking abilities. And that's great when we're juggling a phone call with screaming kids and cooking dinner.

But if you want productivity so high that you can create outstanding business growth AND feel like a good Mum, then multi-tasking is what my old French teacher would have called one of your a 'faux amis' - a false friend.
When we multi-task, we are not 'here' in the moment. We are in our heads. We are distractible. We hit those stress hormones hard, our breathing shallows, we forget what we were doing, we make more mistakes.
The list goes on and almost always ends in overwhelm.

For most business tasks, doing one thing at a time, finishing it, and moving on to the next, is a much more effective way of getting stuff done. You can be relaxed, but alert. You'll do better work. You'll speed through your 'to do' list.

Don't believe me? How about trying it out for the next hour, to find out for yourself?

3. Touch everything only once
I remember, back in my first graduate engineering job, meeting a manager who gave me the advice, "Touch everything once and once only." Back in those days, when email still felt kinda novel (showing my age), he was mainly talking about paper. But these days it applies to your inbox and your social media, too.

What did he mean by all of this?

He meant that he set time aside each day to deal with incoming messages, handled them, then filed them wherever they needed to go (including the recycling). He didn't let them mount up on his desk or his in tray in a 'do it later' every-scarier pile.