How often do you hear me banging on about your limiting beliefs, hidden blocks, excuses and secret fears getting in the way of the difference you want to make in the world? And how often do I spill the beans (usually for free - I'm a compulsive over-giver on this) on how you can ditch those hidden blocks, self-sabotage patterns and feeling like a fraud?

And, if you’ve tried it on for size, you’ll know that the stuff I teach works. You might even think it rocks. It has helped many thousands of passionate world-changers, just like you, to create breakthroughs in their lives.
But here’s the thing: the work I share is wasted, for probably 95% of the people who use it.
Why? It’s not because it doesn’t get results - it does - with knobs on.

And, initially, it makes them feel great - positive, empowered and enthusiastic.
But I need to let you in on the secret of why I DON’T want you to ditch your limiting beliefs…

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When I work with one-to-one mentoring clients and my group Masterminders, I use a 3 step process.

Get total clarity and Soul-level alignment with what you want - your Big Vision and Big Why {Stuck on this? Here’s a video to take you through the start of the process. Watch it and then come back here.}
Clear out the hidden blocks that would otherwise derail you, while you’re not looking
Take inspired action

Rinse & repeat.

It’s really simple (of course, there's a little more to the 3 steps - but that's for another convo). And it works a treat.

I have to be honest that one of the key differences between those who get ‘good’ results and those who get ‘breakthrough’ results is whether or not they do step 1 - most people don’t want to. They would rather clear out the blocks, to ease that inner pain a bit, then distract themselves from not living their Dharma - their Soul’s purpose - by being busy and overwhelmed. And, to be honest, if you’ve got a rough idea of what you want to achieve, that can be enough.

But here is what really breaks my heart:

There is a step I can’t take for you - one that's implicit in those 3 stages - a block I can’t ‘fix’. And it’s the one that stops most people from ever, ever, ever creating their dreams.

The other week, Gary Vaynerchuk did a great video on regret. He said that when you talk to 90 year olds about their life, one of the first things they say is, “I wish…” They look back at all the things they wish they had done. And he concludes (and I agree with him) that regret can poison your experience of life.

So he encourages you to seize every opportunity to turn your dreams into reality and (for his target audience) to grow your entrepreneurial business and legacy.
Ditching your limiting beliefs and hidden, subconscious blocks is a Big Deal - to be celebrated - because it will shift you from “I can’t…” to “I can…”
But that’s not enough.
Sorry. I know that block-busting was hard work and I AM genuinely proud of you for doing it, but it’s simply not enough. Since 2002, I have worked with thousands and thousands of entrepreneurs and passionate world-changers, and there is one critical element that made the difference between those who, a decade on, are still stuck in desk jobs and relationships that they hate, and those who have been making the difference they dream of.

Someone shared a social media quote with me this morning that inspired me to write this article:

“You have to get up every morning and tell yourself, ‘I can do this’.”

No. That’s simply not enough.

“I can”, on its own, changes nothing, other than giving you a warm, glowy feeling inside.

But after a while, that glowy feeling disappears and you wind up with even more inner pain - an inner conflict - because your mind is telling you that you can,