Welcome to this week’s Dare To Dream Bigger business podcast episode.

I've been busy this week running the Dare To Dream Bigger business summit and one of the things I noticed in our discussions is how rare it is for a business to truly connect with its customers. And that got me thinking... How often do you open your inbox and find it full of emails that demand your attention? How often is it bulging at the seams with messages from businesses you barely remember, but who want you to buy from them? And when did you last receive an email from a business that made you feel genuinely important and valued?

And I realised that it's all too easy to fall into the trap of accidentally nagging your customers, when you email them, rather than inspiring your customers.

So in today's podcast, we dive in and explore:

How the problem happens - and most of us don't notice it creeping up on us
Why it's an epidemic these days
How it will be hurting your business growth and sales

And then I take you through a step-by-step process that helps you to identify exactly how you could turn things around, so that you add value, easily build a lasting relationship with your customers and turn from an oft-ignored email to one they actually look forward to receiving.

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DTDB Podcast 002 - Are You Inspiring Your Customers? Or Are You Secretly Nagging Them? https://t.co/dK9h2jYW1E pic.twitter.com/QHBmvQ569f
— Clare Josa (@clare_josa) January 25, 2016

And when you've listened to today's episode, I'd love to know:

What have you learned today? Any insights? Surprises? Questions?
How might the ideas in today's podcast help you, your business and your dream customers?
What action could you take in the next hour to implement these changes?

Can't wait to hear from you - over on Facebook or via the comments below!

And next week I'll be sharing with you insider secrets for handling customers you secretly want to strangle. Not to be missed! Catch each episode by subscribing via the iTunes button, above, or getting the quick-reminder newsletter (form above).

With love, Namaste,

Clare x

Clare Josa, Mentor To Passionate World-Changers
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Prefer the transcript? Here you go!
Hello, and welcome to this week's Dare To Dream Bigger business podcast with me, Clare Josa, mentor to passionate world-changers. Today, we're going to be looking at whether you're inspiring your customers with your email messaging and marketing or whether you're secretly nagging them.


Now, not many of us would want to admit that we're nagging our customers, and yet it's so easy to fall into that trap. I'm going to take you through how to spot whether that's happening to you, what the risks are, what's going to happen if you don't turn it around, and then some practical strategies for turning from a nagging in their inbox to somebody who inspires them.


What I've noticed over the years, and I've been running my own business since 2002, is that we connect with our customers via social media or via their emails, and so much of what we do, if we're really honest, feels like it's going into a black hole. I remember back in 2008, sitting in a room with some really, really high-powered business owners who were launching a brand new program. They were so excited. I sat there as they pressed "Send."


They waited for the emails to come through, and it had gone to a list of 20,000 people. They'd spent months working on this dream and nothing happened. We sat there in the room in silence waiting - waiting, waiting. Eventually, the program was a success, but it took more than that initial email. But, what happened for them was totally demoralizing.

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