This is one of the biggest mistakes I see Passionate World Changers making with their dreams - we plant and run.

'Shiny Object Syndrome' is one of the biggest ways to trash your dreams, yet most of us are addicted to it. Discover a secret from the world of meditation that can crank up your commitment and make your success much more likely.

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Today's quote:
"Don't let your match blow out until your fire is lit."

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Today's affirmation:
Affirmation: I am committed to taking daily action on my dreams.Click To Tweet
Today's intention: notice actions you can take - today - to move yourself towards your dreams. Connect with that sense of commitment - that sense of having said YES to your dreams!
Here's the book I mention - Dare to Dream Bigger. It takes you through how to escape from Shiny Object Syndrome, to crank up your commitment on your dreams and how to let go of the hidden fears and blocks that stop us from committing. I hope you love it!

[thrive_link color='orange' link='' target='_self' size='medium' align='left']Get Your Copy[/thrive_link]


I'd love to hear from you!
Let me know your answers to these questions, via the comments:

Think about one of your dreams and ask yourself: have I really said yes? Do I really mean it?
Am I prepared to put in the time to clear the soil, to nurture those seedlings, until they're ready to look after themselves?
What could I do to crank up my commitment on my dreams?

x Clare

P.S. Loved this? Please share it far and wide!

