** Soul in the Raw is a podcast for adult, as such the language will reflect that.**


Corri Smith is the owner of Black Wednesday, a Charlotte-based marketing and PR company focused on personifying brands so they can create authentic communities. Through creativity and innovation, BW brings social media, graphic design, marketing, media and influencer marketing to life for the brands it supports. Get your pen & paper ready for this truthful dive into what it takes to stand out in a social media driven world!


In this episode we discuss:

Why buying followers DOES NOT work Realizing when it’s time to delegate Knowing your tactical skill-sets Owning your polarization What it takes to leap from your 9-5 job to working for yourself


We can’t wait to hear your takeaways, so don’t forget to leave us a review! Until then, sit back, relax, & we’ll see you on the inside!


To connect further with Corri & her team, follow them on Instagram @blackwedco and visit www.blackwednesday.co !


To connect with us further, follow us on Instagram @soulintherawpodcast and visit www.soulintherawpodcast.com !