** Soul in the Raw is a podcast for adult, as such the language will reflect that.**


Strap on your business, spiritual, & podcasting hats as we indulge in a no-nonsense conversation with Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik, hosts of the 'Almost 30' Podcast! These two are women after our own hearts with their focus on bringing you a message that is real, raw & unfiltered through their podcast & social media platforms. Their mission is to provide you with the tools & motivation you need to propel personal growth & navigate any transition in your life.


In this episode we unveil:

Why showing up is the key to your success The impact of creating a community in your business Knowing there’s enough room for everyone Flowing when things are out of order Rejection as part of the process


We can’t wait to hear your takeaways, so don’t forget to leave us a review! Until then, sit back, relax, & we’ll see you on the inside!


To connect with Krista & Lindsey further,visit www.almost30podcast.com and follow them on Instagram: @hundredblog , @lindseysimcik , & @almost30podcast .


To connect with us further, come hang out with us on Instagram @soulintherawpodcast or on our website www.soulintherawpodcast.com .