Were you the straight-A student, the high-achieving athlete, or the “good girl” who always followed the rules? If so, this identity may actually be doing you a disservice in your adult life. In this episode, Kayleigh shares her experience growing up as a “good girl”, the impact it has had on who she is today, and the four steps you can take to break free from that persona and heal your inner child. 


As Kayleigh continues to guide authors through her work at Soul Excellence Publishing, she has recently experienced an awakening as she’s begun to recognize pieces of her own experiences in their projects. Reflecting back on her earlier life, Kayleigh couldn’t help but realize that we all tend to attract people who are similar to us. And for her, that had always meant attracting all the “good girls” and “good boys”. But what does that really mean? While many people feel pride in being good, it can also be very restricting. In order to live authentically, you must shed the “good girl” identity and allow yourself to tune into how you are truly feeling. 


Being a “good girl” can cause dissatisfaction and a sense of disconnection later on in life. Learning to sit and really feel your true emotions is vital for moving forward from repetitive patterns of achievement and disappointment. 



“If there's something on your heart and mind and you don't even quite know what it is yet, taking the first step and writing a chapter in a book is such a beautiful way to commit to an idea and put it out there. And then it's something that you can keep revisiting.” (27:21-27:34) “When we wrap ourselves in this good girl identity and place our value outside of ourselves, we don't give ourselves room to feel.” (34:37-34:47) “The only way through this good girl thing that we've got going on is to feel.” (42:38-42:42) “The point of feeling is to actually release it and create space. In this space, in the pause, this is where we get to invent.” (43:33-43:48)



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Connect with Kayleigh on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kayleigh_m_okeefe/

Discover Your Divine Feminine Archetype: https://femininemastery.com/

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