On this week’s podcast, we’re joined by the talented Sea High. Following a recent performance in the GPO, as part of District Magazine’s ‘New Voices’ at Irish Literature Festival Dublin, we chat about the social and cultural impact of spoken word and hip-hop. Sea High is preparing to drop his second full-length EP ‘Degradation of Imagination’, with his most recent single ‘Thoughts, Pt 1’ available on streaming platforms now. 


Sea High is performing at Vantastival this weekend in Drogehda. Be sure to catch him live! 

Stream ‘Thoughts, Pt 1’ on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/album/4OuMWsfvDSWfBqC4K9w4oF?si=hIhB-J09SBuSSSTqKOl4wg


Follow Sea High on Instagram here: https://instagram.com/seahigh_?igshid=xsv23k1hmvf2

Sea High is part of Off-Key Collective, you can find them here: https://instagram.com/offkeycollective?igshid=1b862vhcpr8h8


Follow Soul Doubt Podcast on Instagram here: https://instagram.com/souldoubtmagazine?igshid=lk28lxo182aj

Interview by: https://instagram.com/shanesora?igshid=19gtxmexjw2z8

Sound by: https://instagram.com/soundguyoran?igshid=plwptixziid5


Production by: https://instagram.com/audiohausdublin?igshid=1xi2uoyrce0db


Thanks for watching!