Soul A:M Records Presents…?

A very Soulful Good morning, Afternoon or indeed Evening to you music lovers of the World & beyond! I introduce you to this weeks edition of Soul A:M featuring myself Master J as I present to you another Production in true Free-Style tradition heavily influenced from my Soul-Unique exploits as an International Bar Club and Radio DJ entering My fifth Decade… 

We have concluded last week our annual celebration of reviving my favourite timeline of which this time around launched from 1982 and concluded by breaking the mound by ending in the year 1991 with the 1990s never depicted in this series for over 20 years in the Dance Decades creation…

I have felt truly humbled by your feedback throughout this series as many of you have really enjoyed the free-style 
Mix-ecology seldom heard laded down in real time… 

For your continued Love of my Craft and appreciation always on display, I have in week thought of a way to create a Production 
that will remonstrate just how powerful our desire is to bring back the raw & undiluted Revival Soul Power, 

All you have to do is simply [click play] and your day will be made… I think that you will also be pleasantly surprised Enjoy.