Welcome to the Soul A:M Records Podcast feat Myself Master J,

Serving todays rendition of which mirrors my ambition to serve you goodness in True Bank Holiday tradition,

An open invitation awaits  all to embrace feel good once more with tracks purchased within the decades of the definitive dance years where our music forever holds your memories…& My Heart…will forever caress your inner Soul from the very start.

Competition results finally come your way within this episode after a five week leap year Messed with my own Soul Senses! Just who has one a Unique Cylinder filled with record caring fun curtesy of Legend Vinyl,

Undiluted returns this Soul A:M Sunday and for great purpose too and if you think my recent productions are getting shorter and shorter…

Put it this way! Warm up your Pre’s and Amps, Clear your spaces and prepare to feel to today’s Production on the B-Side will make you experience feel good is Soul alive? 

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Welcome back to the Dance that once resided in London Underground…

Support My drive to keep the Original Goodness relevant to relieve stress by promoting optimism at best!