Here at Soul A:M Records January means Free-Styled editions of my weekly Production mainly to lighten my load to be able to Spring clean my Studio and Vinyl Vaults, Service my Tech whilst adding a few gadgets, Sadly of putting a few settings is no stranger during this tradition as you will hear with this weeks Mic volume... Apologies for that! I guess I'll have to play you a few songs.

My rendition of a free-styled edition is, Choosing the records in realtime with no Structured theme unlike my more demanding Productions  throughout the calendar year like,

The Super demanding...A2 2 ZEE of My LPs

Research dependant...Planet Producers

Production heavy... Battle Series  My Favourite Album & Battle of your Bands...

And the Might that is... The Dance Decade - Usually aired in the summer with a duration of 3 months depicting our favourite timelines of music.

Free-Style editions also means, Spontaneously served Back 2 Back Mixes and Acapella aka Drop the Mic sessions, Very popular as with no hosting! But an extra dose of perfectly timed Jingles [Pause Pushers I feel you] DJs Delete - Innovate Don't Imitate!

I hope that this has given you clarity if you are new to our Space where everything is Soulful, Always using original recordings from Albums to 7s and 12s purchased for my own musical taste and never to please the Dance-Floors requests that has thankfully culminated into owning a record  collection to sweat to keep to Myself...But Share My way Soul-Unique...

Welcome to Free-Style January Edition 1 Entitled THE MUSIC OF LIFE...Enjoy.