This Edition we present a quick succession sequel to last weeks debut production where we introduced you to the Brand New Masters series, Challenging two Alphabetical sides who have assembled in order in of how they reside in my Vinyl Vaults to go full on Deck 2 Deck.

Last week saw B-Side Artists jam against C-Side opponents, And this should come as no surprise! Especially to my long term listeners with many going back spanning decades! That within this edition I serve up A-Side artists who will now challenge D-Side creators of wonder.

Traversing the expanse of record releases from our Soulful past can be a beautiful thing, Exciting and purely revitalising, Especially uplifting when you have memories coupled with choice encounters embedded into the very fabric of who you are, Cemented further that these melodies also conjure undiluted feel-good! when you least expect it, Sometimes ultra emotional...But always soul satisfying.

Welcome to the next level of My Battle series The Masters Competition Edition Where Alpha-Artists  A jam against D-Side Musicians, Enjoy Master J Soul A:M Records.