Inter-Dimensional Lovers of Music this week we continue our month in celebration of Making music with Real Music in the Art-form that is my own old fashioned [Disc Jockey] Free-Style tradition Master Mix Edition, I felt inspired to pump up the volume within the Vinyl Studio’s! And I did.

Dropping the Microphone whilst Preparing your Senses to revisit my Unorthodox Style forever Soul-Unique.

Note the following presentation is designed produced arranged and mixed in real-time! In eager anticipation of my return to clubland for one night only to Launch Velvet Soulbox July 14th.

With past Dance Floors of the 80s in mind and records so-fine that were purchased back in our day that to this date hold a multitude of memories not forgeting those crackles! of which I am in fact humbled and balanced to revisit each and every Soulful Sunday Morning for your Musical and uplifting entertainment, Always best served in the sun through a Stereo with clarity that is second to none…

Welcome back to the way I play in true-Master J Mix fashion, powered by my Passion to always invoke a positive reaction!

Enjoy MJ Soul A:M Records