A hard look into the origins of, history of, and excessive current examples of voter suppression in this county. You are guaranteed to learn something new and come away armed with plenty of hard facts for the next time someone in your life tries to act as though voter suppression isn’t a thing or doesn’t still exist. If anything, this reminds us all that the fight is far from over and there is always something to get involved in when it comes to furthering the equity and humanitarian issues in this country. 



Charity/Nonprofit -

Fair FightFair Fight promotes fair elections in Georgia and around the country, encourages voter participation in elections, and educates voters about elections and their voting rights. Fair Fight brings awareness to the public on election reform, advocates for election reform at all levels, and engages in other voter education programs and communications. Voter suppression of voters of color and young voters is a scourge our country faces in states across the nation. The recent elections and new laws shine a bright light on mismanagement, irregularities, unbelievably long lines, and more, exposing both recent and also decades-long actions and inactions by the state to thwart the right to vote. Georgians and Americans are fighting back. Fair Fight Action engages in voter mobilization and education activities and advocates for progressive issues; in addition, Fair Fight Action has mounted significant programs to combat voter suppression in Georgia and nationally. To learn more and donate please visit fairfight.com

Black Lives Matter

Because this is still and always will be relevant...please donate at blacklivesmatter.com

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