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This is a pretty specific episode, so feel free to skip it if RPGs and video games aren’t your thing.

Alex and Rob have been thinking about playing Elite Dangerous (that space game we’ve mentioned several times) but with a role-playing twist where we stay in character and make decisions in the game based on our character’s motivation. We’re a little stuck on how to turn this very “blank canvas” type of online game into a role playing game however. So, we’ve called in the expert, none other than… Mike Rapin! Mike will also be joining our group in the game. Maybe we’ll document some more about how figure this out together… maybe a totally new podcast just for the game.

By the way, for other episodes featuring Mike, you can browse the Mike tag here.

Find Mike on the internet most likely under “mikerapin” and I’m easily found with “robrogan.” As usual, follow/tweet at us via @SorryTopic!

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