Creative Director Scott Simmons travels to Baltimore to catch up with former ScareHouse audio masters Glenn Ricci and Ursula Marcum from Submersive Productions to talk about immersive theater.

Scott and Glenn first worked together in sixth grade on a friend’s basement haunt then again at the Cloverleaf YMCA and ScareHouse
How Sleep No More and Then She Fell inspired The Basement and Submersive Productions
The struggle to define what immersive theater is and isn’t
How the audience is crucial to the immersive theater experience
Glenn’s trip to London to experience The Drowned Man
Glenn and Ursula talk about taking their experiences and unique skill sets to create their own immersive theater shows
How your space can influence the story you are telling
Submersive Productions strives to combine intimacy, free-roaming, and exploratory elements in their shows
Glenn and Ursula describe their first two shows The Mesmeric Revelations! of Edgar Allan Poe and H.T. Darling’s Incredible Musaeum Presents the New Galapagos Astonishing Acquisitions From the Perisphere
The time and labor behind creation of props that must look authentic
How their version of immersive theater is like four dimensional chess
Integrating puppetry into immersive theater and haunted houses
All space has something to say and all humans are storytellers
Fun ScareHouse fact: The eerie chanting you heard in Forsaken and The Summoning was actually Ursula! Glenn manipulated her voice to create some of the creepiest voices heard in ScareHouse.

For more information about Submersive Productions visit
Check out Submersive Productions Facebook page
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Creative Director Scott Simmons travels to Baltimore to catch up with former ScareHouse audio masters Glenn Ricci and Ursula Marcum from Submersive Productions to talk about immersive theater.

Scott and Glenn first worked together in sixth grade on a friend’s basement haunt then again at the Cloverleaf YMCA and ScareHouse
How Sleep No More and Then She Fell inspired The Basement and Submersive Productions
The struggle to define what immersive theater is and isn’t
How the audience is crucial to the immersive theater experience
Glenn’s trip to London to experience The Drowned Man
Glenn and Ursula talk about taking their experiences and unique skill sets to create their own immersive theater shows
How your space can influence the story you are telling
Submersive Productions strives to combine intimacy, free-roaming, and exploratory elements in their shows
Glenn and Ursula describe their first two shows The Mesmeric Revelations! of Edgar Allan Poe and H.T. Darling’s Incredible Musaeum Presents the New Galapagos Astonishing Acquisitions From the Perisphere
The time and labor behind creation of props that must look authentic
How their version of immersive theater is like four dimensional chess
Integrating puppetry into immersive theater and haunted houses
All space has something to say and all humans are storytellers
Fun ScareHouse fact: The eerie chanting you heard in Forsaken and The Summoning was actually Ursula! Glenn manipulated her voice to create some of the creepiest voices heard in ScareHouse.

For more information about Submersive Productions visit

Check out Submersive Productions Facebook page


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Follow the ScareHouse podcast hosts: Scott Simmons (@ScareHouseScott) and Katie “Dudders” (@kdudders)


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