We don't normally preempt already scheduled interviews. However, when someone shows up at the studio demanding air time and causing a public disturbance, it was either let him on air or call the police. Suffice it to say we didn't want to deal with the paperwork associated with arresting him. So, Jaxon Argos made a rather abrupt appearance for this week's Indy Mayhem episode. You know what, we're going to let Jaxon's list speak for itself.
Agenda of Argos
For those who either don't want to pull up the image or can't read Argos' writing, the "Agenda of Argos" includes:
Topics of Discussion:
"Unbreakable" - Oct 14th
Wheeling, WV - Oct 27th
"Winner Takes All" - Dec 9th
Tim Hortons
Locked & Loaded
Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Josh Briggs
Mike Orlando
Myron Reed
Jimmy Vegas
Matt Conard
Andrew Palace crossed out with notation on parentheses "not worth it"
Bulk Nasty
The Mega Downers
Jimmy Shane
Justin Plummer
Chris LeRusso
To Do:
Laundry checked
Fill gas tank
Practice springboard
Clean gear checked
Daily Reminder:
You are beautiful, strong, and handsome. Do not listen to Lance.
Share your feelings on indy wrestling and tell us who we should talk to on the show via e-mail at [email protected]
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!

We don't normally preempt already scheduled interviews. However, when someone shows up at the studio demanding air time and causing a public disturbance, it was either let him on air or call the police. Suffice it to say we didn't want to deal with the paperwork associated with arresting him. So, Jaxon Argos made a rather abrupt appearance for this week's Indy Mayhem episode. You know what, we're going to let Jaxon's list speak for itself.

Agenda of Argos

For those who either don't want to pull up the image or can't read Argos' writing, the "Agenda of Argos" includes:

Topics of Discussion:

"Unbreakable" - Oct 14th

Wheeling, WV - Oct 27th

"Winner Takes All" - Dec 9th

Tim Hortons




Locked & Loaded

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Josh Briggs

Mike Orlando

Myron Reed


Jimmy Vegas

Matt Conard

Andrew Palace crossed out with notation on parentheses "not worth it"

Bulk Nasty

The Mega Downers

Jimmy Shane

Justin Plummer

Chris LeRusso

To Do:

Laundry checked

Fill gas tank

Practice springboard

Clean gear checked

Daily Reminder:

You are beautiful, strong, and handsome. Do not listen to Lance.

Share your feelings on indy wrestling and tell us who we should talk to on the show via e-mail at [email protected]

Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!