Jim Ellermeyer dials in to check in on Producer Mike as he’s been traveling across the country to reunite with his wife as part of his mother’s retirement trip during one of the most tumultuous times in the country.  What has been that experience of “connecting the in between” spaces of the country. 
Sorg Across America Day 1 Video  (https://youtu.be/Utyp5mFGWaU)
#SorgsAcrossAmerica on Twitter  (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Sorgsacrossamerica&src=typed_query)
The Wicket Tracker on Google Earth  (https://earth.google.com/web/data=MicKJQojCiExVXNBN0dmN3c2VkRDM1FoNlIyMEU0RGZuWmRvNmJOc3Q6AwoBMA?authuser=0)
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Jim Ellermeyer dials in to check in on Producer Mike as he’s been traveling across the country to reunite with his wife as part of his mother’s retirement trip during one of the most tumultuous times in the country.  What has been that experience of “connecting the in between” spaces of the country. 

Sorg Across America Day 1 Video 

#SorgsAcrossAmerica on Twitter 

The Wicket Tracker on Google Earth 

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