John Carman joins us in studio as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday. Together with our usual tech hounds – Sorg, Chilla, and Katie, the gang shares some of this week’s tech news, including:
Chilla is kicking things off with his Awesome Thing of the Week with Tesla chargers.
Another creature has been released from The Last Jedi. Katie is telling us about Vulptex as her Awesome Thing of the Week.
John Carman is talking about his options for Black Friday sales as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Sorg’s Awesome Thing of the Week is a video map of atmospheric changes and hurricanes.
We’re sharing what we’re thankful for as we head into Thanksgiving.
Sorg and friends are getting into a deep dive about iPhone and Android options now that phones are holding up better – negating the “need” to upgrade.
Looking to get an iPhone X? You can actually check Walmart’s offerings as an option.
A hologram player that lets you interact with 3D holograms? Yes, please.
Want a smart light switch with Echo capabilities? There’s a solution for that.
Katie is all about the dino nuggets and Animal Crossing! She’s sharing some news about that second one now.
Tesla has a semi truck.
KFC has an escape pod (faraday cage)?
Our John Carman is not the guy that made the news for being a misogynistic New Jersey politician.
Ello is back! And, it’s now for creatives.
Windows 10 is offering a Star Trek like journal.
Do yourselves a favor – if you’re not already following him, follow John Carman on Twitter (@carmanavenue).
After the show remember to:
Shop small with our neighbors here in Beechview this weekend. For more info visit:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion?
Follow these awesome people on Twitter: John Carman (@carmanavenue), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders), Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), and John Chichilla (@chilla).
Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?
You can support the show at!
Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!

John Carman joins us in studio as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday. Together with our usual tech hounds – Sorg, Chilla, and Katie, the gang shares some of this week’s tech news, including:

Chilla is kicking things off with his Awesome Thing of the Week with Tesla chargers.

Another creature has been released from The Last Jedi. Katie is telling us about Vulptex as her Awesome Thing of the Week.

John Carman is talking about his options for Black Friday sales as his Awesome Thing of the Week.

Sorg’s Awesome Thing of the Week is a video map of atmospheric changes and hurricanes.

We’re sharing what we’re thankful for as we head into Thanksgiving.

Sorg and friends are getting into a deep dive about iPhone and Android options now that phones are holding up better – negating the “need” to upgrade.

Looking to get an iPhone X? You can actually check Walmart’s offerings as an option.

A hologram player that lets you interact with 3D holograms? Yes, please.

Want a smart light switch with Echo capabilities? There’s a solution for that.

Katie is all about the dino nuggets and Animal Crossing! She’s sharing some news about that second one now.

Tesla has a semi truck.

KFC has an escape pod (faraday cage)?

Our John Carman is not the guy that made the news for being a misogynistic New Jersey politician.

Ello is back! And, it’s now for creatives.

Windows 10 is offering a Star Trek like journal.

Do yourselves a favor – if you’re not already following him, follow John Carman on Twitter (@carmanavenue).

After the show remember to:

Shop small with our neighbors here in Beechview this weekend. For more info visit:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion?

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: John Carman (@carmanavenue), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders), Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), and John Chichilla (@chilla).

Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?

You can support the show at!

Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!