Brian Crawford of The River’s Edge (and soon-to-be The Metal Edge) joins Sorg and Chilla to talk about this week’s tech news. Of note, they’re talking about:
Brian is sharing some news about The Metal Edge!
We’re learning things – like Pittsburgh has the 3rd largest metal scene.
Brian is talking about his Chrome remote desktop app as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
p.s. That Chrome remote desktop is FREE.
Chilla is chiming in with low bandwidth and high response rates. We swear he’s giving it a legit thumbs-up.
Sorg is apparently remodeling the studio with Amazon AR as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Of course we’re talking Star Wars box set versions.
Who wants to talk comic books turned movies? Welcome to this week’s podcast.
Chilla got his hands on an iPhone X and feels like he’s living in the future with his Awesome Thing of the Week.
The iPhone X has been rated as the most breakable. But, has anything ever been rated as indestructible?
iPhone X has facial recognition – or as we’re calling it FACE LASERS!
Chilla is impressed with how reactive the iPhone X is with facial recognition in the dark.
Chilla is breaking down some Android devices.
Thanks to Brandon for sharing the custom Lego art.
Playstation trophies (gamer points) can now be used to purchase games?
Razer has released a phone – for gamers.
Dear Apple TV, please give us more game options.
AR navigation is a thing?
We’re talking AR vs VR. Some great discussion with Chilla and Brian.
So…the HoloLens has been certified as protective eye wear!
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion?
Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Brian Crawford (@RiverTalkPGH), Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), and John Chichilla (@chilla).
Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?
You can support the show at!
Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!

Brian Crawford of The River’s Edge (and soon-to-be The Metal Edge) joins Sorg and Chilla to talk about this week’s tech news. Of note, they’re talking about:

Brian is sharing some news about The Metal Edge!

We’re learning things – like Pittsburgh has the 3rd largest metal scene.

Brian is talking about his Chrome remote desktop app as his Awesome Thing of the Week.

p.s. That Chrome remote desktop is FREE.

Chilla is chiming in with low bandwidth and high response rates. We swear he’s giving it a legit thumbs-up.

Sorg is apparently remodeling the studio with Amazon AR as his Awesome Thing of the Week.

Of course we’re talking Star Wars box set versions.

Who wants to talk comic books turned movies? Welcome to this week’s podcast.

Chilla got his hands on an iPhone X and feels like he’s living in the future with his Awesome Thing of the Week.

The iPhone X has been rated as the most breakable. But, has anything ever been rated as indestructible?

iPhone X has facial recognition – or as we’re calling it FACE LASERS!

Chilla is impressed with how reactive the iPhone X is with facial recognition in the dark.

Chilla is breaking down some Android devices.

Thanks to Brandon for sharing the custom Lego art.

Playstation trophies (gamer points) can now be used to purchase games?

Razer has released a phone – for gamers.

Dear Apple TV, please give us more game options.

AR navigation is a thing?

We’re talking AR vs VR. Some great discussion with Chilla and Brian.

So…the HoloLens has been certified as protective eye wear!

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion?

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Brian Crawford (@RiverTalkPGH), Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), and John Chichilla (@chilla).

Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?

You can support the show at!

Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!