Sorg returns to bring us our regularly scheduled podcast day!. This week, he is joined by Chilla, and Katie – as well as special guest, Mike Pound (aka Uncle Crappy). The crew is talking about some of this week’s tech news for AwesomeCast 349, including:
We’ve got Mike Pound (aka Uncle Crappy) in studio recording this week’s Awesome Chat before we go LIVE for Awesome Cast.
We’re BACK! We’ve got some craft beer, some Uncle Crappy and some Dudders thanks to Katie and it’s Podcast Day!
Uncle Crappy is kicking off our Awesome Thing of the Week segment with some James Bond tech talk.
Katie may be moving to Portland for her Awesome Thing of the Week – Parking Kitty.
We may have to visit Rob to check out Parking Kitty.
Sorg lives in a VR world these days. His Awesome Thing of the Week is Google IO updates dealing with VR.
Chilla got his Air Pods and is sharing them this week as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Instagram is changing the stories game.
Want to lock down your Snapchat by location or who can view it? There are some new options now.
It’s official Katie prefers Snapchat to other similar video platforms.
Snapchat difficulty is getting to an audience. Facebook gives great options to download and share to YouTube.
There are changes coming to Facebook LIVE, and Uncle Crappy is sharing some thoughts.
Microsoft had some announcements. Chilla is sharing some thoughts on the Surface Pro.
Katie is bringing us to the promised porn.
European hotels will be offering VR in-room porn.
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), John Chichilla (@chilla), and Katie Dudas (@Kdudders).
Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?
You can support the show at!
Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!

Sorg returns to bring us our regularly scheduled podcast day!. This week, he is joined by Chilla, and Katie – as well as special guest, Mike Pound (aka Uncle Crappy). The crew is talking about some of this week’s tech news for AwesomeCast 349, including:

We’ve got Mike Pound (aka Uncle Crappy) in studio recording this week’s Awesome Chat before we go LIVE for Awesome Cast.

We’re BACK! We’ve got some craft beer, some Uncle Crappy and some Dudders thanks to Katie and it’s Podcast Day!

Uncle Crappy is kicking off our Awesome Thing of the Week segment with some James Bond tech talk.

Katie may be moving to Portland for her Awesome Thing of the Week – Parking Kitty.

We may have to visit Rob to check out Parking Kitty.

Sorg lives in a VR world these days. His Awesome Thing of the Week is Google IO updates dealing with VR.

Chilla got his Air Pods and is sharing them this week as his Awesome Thing of the Week.

Instagram is changing the stories game.

Want to lock down your Snapchat by location or who can view it? There are some new options now.

It’s official Katie prefers Snapchat to other similar video platforms.

Snapchat difficulty is getting to an audience. Facebook gives great options to download and share to YouTube.

There are changes coming to Facebook LIVE, and Uncle Crappy is sharing some thoughts.

Microsoft had some announcements. Chilla is sharing some thoughts on the Surface Pro.

Katie is bringing us to the promised porn.

European hotels will be offering VR in-room porn.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Mike Sorg (@Sorgatron), John Chichilla (@chilla), and Katie Dudas (@Kdudders).

Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?

You can support the show at!

Remember to check out our friends at River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!