Previous Episode: Isabella

Don't fuck up these notes Ben!!!! Dan Machholz with more motivational messages. Such an inspiration. 

The end of Season 1 is upon us! A huge thanks to everyone who has listened so far! It's cliche, but the fact anyone has taken the time to hear us ruining arguable the greatest TV Show the world has ever seen is honestly mind-blowing for my vast and Dan's tiny respective brains. 

You guys owe me big time for slogging my way through 13 episodes with The Machholz. 

Can Ben stomach Season 2? 

Are you interested in finding out? 

Just how explosive is the season finale? 

How seeing Livia always perks you up. 

So, Janice has one of those punchable faces? That's rich coming from you, Dan. 

Does Melfi & Tony's relationship mirror the one your hosts share? 

It turns out James Gadanfifni is a decent actor. 

Do Dan's basic editing skills make Ben's notorious waffling sound even worse? (Stich up) 

Is anyone you rooting for, Dan & me? 

Ben is still sitting on his Carmella shaped fence. 

Is father Phill talking all kinds of doo-doo? 

Artie could have put everyone out of their collective misery by offing Tony Soprano and ending Sopranos Redefined's run after one season. Thanks for nothing, Artie. 

Ben's excitement gets him jumping all over the place. 

We host the worst impromptu best of the season awards. I didn't even have time to clip on my dicky bow. 

Would you come to dinner with us? Dan doesn't need to come if that helps with your decision. 

We might not be in the 100's of millions for listenership quite yet, but we have entered the realms of double figures. (Almost) Baby steps. 

Turn that outro music off Dan, I'm still talking! 


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