Hi soccer fans! We didn't forget you, we're just coming at you a day later than usual. Mike was too busy celebrating his birthday with his family. Where are his priorities!?

Now that we're back, we turn our attention to the latest MLS headlines, with lots of news coming from Chicago ... er ... I mean, Bridgeview. The Fire have a memo of understanding with the village to terminate their lease. They also traded Mo Adams to Atlanta for $100k in GAM. They pay to move and dump a fan favorite, typical Fire. Elsewhere , New England Revolution's new DP signing Gustavo Bou has a goal in his debut game. Will this put the Revs into the playoff picture? They still have a long way to go, but this offensive injection certainly helps.

Meanwhile, around the league:

Teams on the Rise

Minnesota United FC - 2 wins away from a trophy. What will they do with all this momentum!?
San Jose Quakes - They just keep taking points, and a Cali Clasico victory over LA Galaxy is the cherry on top of their recent form

Teams on the Fall

Chicago Fire - Last three results: losses to SKC, FCC, and a draw to the Crew. Yet Paunovic and Rodriguez still have jobs.
DC United - If they're not careful. they could be in the bottom of the Eastern Conference playoffs in a hurry.

US Open Cup Predictions
Nick: Portland over Atlanta - These are the two best teams left in the tournament. Atlanta is playing the best, and Portland has all the goal-scoring power needed to keep pace with the Five Stripes.

Mike: Minnesota over Atlanta - The Loons continue their fine form, keep up momentum, and on the backs of some stellar individual performances, bring home their first trophy.

Hi soccer fans! We didn’t forget you, we’re just coming at you a day later than usual. Mike was too busy celebrating his birthday with his family. Where are his priorities!?

Now that we’re back, we turn our attention to the latest MLS headlines, with lots of news coming from Chicago … er … I mean, Bridgeview. The Fire have a memo of understanding with the village to terminate their lease. They also traded Mo Adams to Atlanta for $100k in GAM. They pay to move and dump a fan favorite, typical Fire. Elsewhere , New England Revolution’s new DP signing Gustavo Bou has a goal in his debut game. Will this put the Revs into the playoff picture? They still have a long way to go, but this offensive injection certainly helps.

Meanwhile, around the league:

Teams on the Rise

Minnesota United FC – 2 wins away from a trophy. What will they do with all this momentum!?
San Jose Quakes – They just keep taking points, and a Cali Clasico victory over LA Galaxy is the cherry on top of their recent form

Teams on the Fall

Chicago Fire – Last three results: losses to SKC, FCC, and a draw to the Crew. Yet Paunovic and Rodriguez still have jobs.
DC United – If they’re not careful. they could be in the bottom of the Eastern Conference playoffs in a hurry.

US Open Cup Predictions

Nick: Portland over Atlanta – These are the two best teams left in the tournament. Atlanta is playing the best, and Portland has all the goal-scoring power needed to keep pace with the Five Stripes.

Mike: Minnesota over Atlanta – The Loons continue their fine form, keep up momentum, and on the backs of some stellar individual performances, bring home their first trophy.