Today, Russ Stone is running off of 3 hours of sleep. Onwards! The tired host talks to Brooklyn composer and jazz guitarist, Pravin Thompson, about superheroes, his background as a mosh-pit-kid, and the superior internet animal (spoiler: it's seals).

When Pravin first entered the "jazz world" after a lifetime of rock concerts, the wildly creative musician says he was, first and foremost, "really underdressed". Still, he's navigated these new, serious spaces like a champ, all while preserving his "silly presence" and staying true in his mission to constantly embarrass his bandmates.

Pravin showcases his unique and eclectic style in, A Thoughtful Collapse, his debut LP, released in March of this year. Basically, it sounds like what it would sound like if you took a bunch of Andrew Hill and Radiohead cassettes and decided to bake them into a prog and noise soufflé. It's gorgeous, fascinating, and exhausting. We can't turn it off. 

Fun fact: Russ and Pravin played on the same bill at the "Almost Halloween Show" at The Nest in October 2019; Russ in 2 out of 3 of his bands ("Winner Camp" and "Union Street"), and Pravin on guitar alongside New York singer/songwriter, Izzie Curran. The two did not meet that night, but Russ did hurt his throat performing a new metal song in where he screamed for too long.

Keep up with Pravin Thompson, buy his music, and wear his merch.
