Welcome to the Sonic Sez blog section! 

If you’re reading this then it means we’re dead.

Dead tired of not giving you the specific niche content that 5 of you seemed ambivalent about to begin with!  That’s right Sez is back and along with the podcast we at FTCR felt that in a visual medium like a comic book why not show you guys some of what we were talking about? Or, y’know, we could just do 12 hour podcasts with excruciating descriptions.

This blog section will have pictures of the stand out moments we discuss in each episode of Sez along with covers and other related stuff. This is a companion or “buddy” to the show which together we hope will show the world what we can do!  As well as help better your experience and make you want to CONSUME more Sonic comics. Seriously, buy the book.

Eventually we would like to get regular blogs about all sorts of other Sonic comic goodness.  Ever wanted to see the stuff in Jono’s collection so you know what to steal? Want more in depth opinions on characters, concepts, and comic creators? No? Ok then.

In the meantime though please enjoy episode 1 of season 2 of Sonic Sez and the following accompaniment.


Stand out moments:

Issue #1 

Man is it good to have the dream team back!  Flynn, Yardley!, Herms, Amash, and Smith give us a great start to the series!

Tracy delivers some awesome panels that really show off Sonic’s character:


Ian delivers on the wit:

And on the emotional bits: 

Also, check it Sonic 4 team attacks!:

And of course the one panel that had us all drooling:

Issue #2 

Issue #2 is fairly similar to #1 but we get Adam Bryce Thomas back into the fold as well as introduce Amy to the series!

The highlight of the issue is really ABT’s expressions:

Culminating in this page.  Amy might need a drink of water though

Oh and this page.  Sonic, don’t go too fast. That’s dangerous!

Also check how ABT uses shape and form to guide your eyes in these panels.

A good gag, I did think the line variation could have been better here though.  I thought that they were closer to the wall than they actually were. What do you think?

Issue #3

Issue 3 was good for returns.  Not only do we get Knuckles, but Jennifer Hernandez is back giving some great cartooning!

Speaking of Hernandez, her fan characters made cameos as well as her doggo!

Heather Breckel joins the Sonic comic family and gives use some nice colors! Check out these great lighting effects. I especially like the fiery back glow behind Rough and Tumble.

She isn’t the only new comer though.  Ian gives us two new villains in Rough and Tumble, two skunks with a passion for rhyme and farts. The reactions Jennifer does are on point too.

All in all, a smashing time!

Issue #4

Issue 4 marks Evan Stanley’s return.  She hits it out of the park with some top notch action.  Especially when showing off new character, Tangle’s, skills.


Ian and Evan also have some great character moments and expressions this issue:

4-11, 4-9, 4-10

Blaze also makes her return.

As well as… dunn….dunn…. dunn…. Eggman!


Of course who could forget about the biggest new major villain, CHAIR!

Overall a good start to the series!

Hope you enjoyed this look at the opening 4 issues, and you enjoyed the return of the podcast! Look for more podcasts and blogs soon!
