Few people are as dedicated to metal as TESTAMENT singer Chuck Billy. Billy, along with guitarist Eric Peterson, has steadfastly flown the metal flag for over thirty years, unwavering even in the darkest hours. Nine years and two bouts of cancer after the seminal album The Gathering, TESTAMENT came roaring back with 2008’s excellent The [...]

Few people are as dedicated to metal as TESTAMENT singer Chuck Billy. Billy, along with guitarist Eric Peterson, has steadfastly flown the metal flag for over thirty years, unwavering even in the darkest hours. Nine years and two bouts of cancer after the seminal album The Gathering, TESTAMENT came roaring back with 2008’s excellent The Formation of Damnation and have maintained a hectic schedule ever since.

Billy was gracious enough to chat with Sonic Perspectives resident metal guy Gonzalo Pozo from Atlanta, where TESTAMENT were set to perform that evening as part of SLAYER‘s farewell tour. The two chatted about TESTAMENT ‘s legacy and perseverance, as well as Billy‘s Pomo heritage and his quintessentially Bay Area dabbling in blockchains, cryptocurrency, and vaping pens. Check out their conversation in the video below, or subscribe to our Podcast in several platforms to listen and be notified about new interviews and contents we publish on daily basis.