Can one compose music while unable to move? Could anything go wrong when a group of Bostonians drive across the country during a snowstorm? Can any music really surprise you when your constantly inundated in new music? Talking Perspectives host Nick Andreas hands over hosting duties to regular panelist Gonzalo Pozo as they shoot the [...]

Can one compose music while unable to move? Could anything go wrong when a group of Bostonians drive across the country during a snowstorm? Can any music really surprise you when your constantly inundated in new music? Talking Perspectives host Nick Andreas hands over hosting duties to regular panelist Gonzalo Pozo as they shoot the breeze with repeat offender Jordan Blum and prolific Sonic Perspectives interviewer Rodrigo Altaf to discuss Jason Becker‘s monumental new album Triumphant Hearts, the headache-inducing Haken/Leprous/Bent Knee tour, and a few records that really stood out from the rest this year on this, the long-overdue eighteenth edition of Talking Perspectives

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