Having established his identity with the revered prog-metal band Haken, as well as his involvement with Novena and other projects, Ross Jennings launches his own solo career in 2021 with “A Shadow of My Future Self”. Embracing classic rock, pop and folk stylings, the album gives another side of Jennings than most fans have heard [...]

The post HAKEN’s Front-man ROSS JENNINGS Talks Debut Solo Album: ‘“I Wanted This Record to Have Its Own Identity; Deliberately Avoiding Using Members of my Current Bands” appeared first on Sonic Perspectives.

Having established his identity with the revered prog-metal band Haken, as well as his involvement with Novena and other projects, Ross Jennings launches his own solo career in 2021 with “A Shadow of My Future Self”. Embracing classic rock, pop and folk stylings, the album gives another side of Jennings than most fans have heard with his other bands. Although he’s known as being the front-man vocalist, on this album Jennings also plays all of the guitar tracks, supported by a core band of excellent musicians. With plenty of additional material still left over after the album was completed, Jennings has the making for more solo albums in the future, promising a booked calendar for years to come.

Diverse, engaging, expertly performed and produced, “A Shadow of My Future Self” is one of 2021’s true gems. It is more than a solo project, this is the birth of a career. You can read our in-depth review of the album HERE.

Sonic Perspectives‘ collaborator Scott Medina chatted with Jennings shortly before the release of the album to discuss its inspirations, influences and artistic videos, amongst other topics. Tune into the audio stream or watch the YouTube video of the chat below. Make sure to follow Sonic Perspectives on Facebook, Flipboard and Twitter and  subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified about new interviews and contents we publish on a daily basis.


The post HAKEN’s Front-man ROSS JENNINGS Talks Debut Solo Album: ‘“I Wanted This Record to Have Its Own Identity; Deliberately Avoiding Using Members of my Current Bands” appeared first on Sonic Perspectives.

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