Matt Barlow is back! His band Ashes of Ares recently released the long-awaited follow-up to their self-titled debut album. “Well of Souls” presents an increased intensity and more wide-ranging sound which builds upon the foundation laid down by the first album and further solidifies Matt Barlow and Freddie Vidales’ partnership in writing. Former Ashes Of [...]

Matt Barlow is back! His band Ashes of Ares recently released the long-awaited follow-up to their self-titled debut album. “Well of Souls” presents an increased intensity and more wide-ranging sound which builds upon the foundation laid down by the first album and further solidifies Matt Barlow and Freddie Vidales’ partnership in writing. Former Ashes Of Ares member and close friend Van Williams, contributes the hammering drum beats, while Jonah Weingarten sets the mood, from the beginning, with a stirring instrumental intro to the album. You can read our full-length review of the record here.

Sonic Perspectives author and interviewer Rodrigo Altaf had the chance to talk to Barlow at length, and the two spoke about Matt’s other musical endeavours, his time with Iced Earth, details of  the “Well of Souls” recording process, the songwriting dynamics, the terrific album cover and much more. Listen to their chat in the video below, or subscribe to our Podcast in several platforms to listen and be notified about new interviews and contents we publish on daily basis.