Previous Episode: #208 Sons Of Atticus
Next Episode: #210 Kitt Wakeley

Artist, songwriter, producer turned manager with Cartel Management in Melbourne; Anthony Agostino has an in deepth discussion with host Rae Leigh about his experiance in the industry, record lables and being a touring sucsessful artist. He gives us all the gift of life experiance wisdom and advice in the music industry and shares more about the Melbourne based managment company he now partners in supporting songwriters and artisit to best achieve their goals. 

Cartel Management Australia (CMA) is a boutique artist development agency based in Victoria, Australia. Founded in 2015 by Christina Rinaldi who has an extensive background in events, label services and communications, and Anthony Agostino a former touring artist and record producer with a background in digital marketing. The pair have put their professional experiences together to create a resource hub for independent & developing artists, labels, and events in the music space.

Operating across 3 divisions, the intention of Cartel is to bridge the gap of knowledge between grass roots / developing artists and career / label artists within the music industry, providing assistance in the areas of growth and knowledge that are not often easily accessible or taught to artists that do not have initial industry connections.



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