Hello Basementeers...

Well we have a long over due show. I have in the Basement with me a very special guest: David Levin who has been in the Broadcasting and media biz for many years. We rap about a lot of things that came to our minds and just went off into many different directions. We chatted about our younger days, growing up, our careers ect. We also played a few songs that influenced the both of us thru our lives and yes it's was a lot of fun to go over some points in our lives for everyone to hear.
It was a worth taking the time to get this 3 parter show together that all together was about 6 hours long, GEEZZ how did we talk for 6 hours straight ?? well we did, but we got the show down to 3 parts, this is part 1. So please enjoy a chat with David Levin and Stuart Held .