Hello Basementeers....

We go international once again with Spanish Songs from various countries like: Spain / Mexico / Brazil and Argentina ect.
Some of these songs I had bits and pieces of them on old cassettes not knowing what they were, but at my day job 2 years ago, there was a wonderful lady who grew up in Mexico who helped me identify 7 of these songs on this show. So I thank you Maria for helping me find these songs, your a GEM !!!.

So on this show we have songs from: Alan Lomax / Rocio Juardo / Juan Gabriel and Luis Miguel and a few more.

So if your ready for a musical trip, here we go.

Intro: Canto de Los Flores-Santana
1. Rock Deserters-Baron Rojo
2. I've Come To Ask Your Forgiveness-Juan Gabriel
3. He Lied To Me-Amanda Miguel
4. Will Not Be Able-Cristian Castro 
5. Birthday-G.I.T.
6. The Cross & The Sword-R.P.M.
7. World Of Honor-Luis Miguel
8. Die Love-Rocio Juardo
9. Dile-Lorenzo Antonio
10. Grito Vagabundo - (Short Tramp)-The Joho
11. Clarity-Menudo
12. It's Better That Way-Christian Castro
13. I'm A Mess-Tim Biriche
14. The Dead Alive-The Joho
15. Fragile-Allison
16. Treacherous-Pastor Lopez
17. How Are You Doing Darling-Pandora
18. Jota Segoviana-Alan Lomax
19. Don't Hold Me Back-Bobby Ross Avila
Outro: Soweto-Santana