Hello Basementeers ....

Yes were back after a week or two of computer flubs, but were working bugs out as always.

We have a good show for you on this weeks spotlight show by a Psych band from the late 60's called: BLUE CHEER.
I am sure a lot of people have not heard this band but maybe heard their name. Well your going to hear there old stuff from 1968-1972 at least.
They were one of the early heavy metal bands and a lot of metal modern bands were influenced by Blue cheer, as an example, Nirvana ect.

Well let's just give this one a play.....

Intro: Baby Finger
1. Good Times are So Hard To find
2. I'm The Light
3. Come & Get It
4. Summertime Blues
5. Fool
6. When It All Get's Old
7. Better When We Try
8. Rock Me Baby
9. Black Sun
10. Highway Man
11. Aces & Eights 
12. The Hunter
13. Natural Man
14. Sandwich 
15. Feathers From Your Tree
16. Disbelieving
17. Out Of Focus
18. Heart Full Of Soul
19. Ain't Love Supposed To Be This Way
20. I Want My Baby Back
21. Rock & Roll Queens
22. Believer
Outro: Babaji (Twilight Raga)