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The morning after Super Tuesday, I woke up with a song in my head. It’s a song I put on my feminist playlist a while ago and every time it comes around I think, “What is this? And what is it doing on this playlist?” Then the line about the glass ceiling comes along and I understand why it’s there but then I have to see who it is. Many times I have said, “Miley Cyrus? Really?!”

But now, I know “Bad Mood” so well, I will never forget again. I’ve been listening to it on solid repeat and I’ve been crying. I feel ridiculous about it but I am in a bad mood and feeling very discouraged about the possibility of any glass ceilings ever breaking. Miley Cyrus is, weirdly, helping me through it.

To read more of A Bereft, Heartbroken, Furious, Hopeless, Bad Mood visit the Songs for the Struggling Artist

This is Episode 193

Song: "Bad Mood" by Miley Cyrus

Image via WikiCommons by the Warren campaign

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Emily Rainbow Davis

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