Episode #33: Time Won't Wait  - (Song at 7:55sec)
Where does a song come from, where does it start, how does it build? These are some of things I talk about and demonstrate, as I chat and play my piano each week.
Music plays such a big role in our life. I remember hearing John Lennon’s Imagine for the first time, on the radio. What a recording (what song, of course).. but there was something about the actual recording. Very cool.
So I enjoy songs and recordings that have a certain feeling. Because songs have the power to take you back in time in the blink of an eye. 
It can reawaken old memories you forgotten you had. 
I talk about some things in my past, including a plum fight we had once... In fact the plums were from the tree I used to sit in that I mentioned last week...
Anyway, back to the song, Time Won't Wait is song #582.  It reflects on the passing of time, the slowly changing dream that unfolds and becomes our life. It also touches on the fact that being a human is a complicated business....
In these episodes, I do look to entertain, and inform...there's songwriting tips..it's all delivered in a relaxed, informal manner. 
I hope you enjoy this episode. I play the piano and sing a bit again on this episode, again, to demonstrate aspects of this song.
Grab a cuppa, put your feet up and have a listen, I'll take you on a trip back in time and inside a song. 
If you'd like to find out more about my art and music, there's quite a bit online. 
www.petepascoe.com website 
Blog www.petepascoe.wordpress.com ( creations in music and art) - not a bad place to start it's a weekly blog which you can sign up to. You'll hear about a new music, videos, recordings, a how to draw a cartoon video, a seascape painting ( I paint one each week) ... Plus lots more.
If this sounds like you, there's plenty on my YouTube channel Pete Pascoe Art and Music.
Social media Facebook, Instagram, etc
And a dozen albums on bandcamp ( Pete Pascoe and co) ….www.petepascoe.bandcamp.com
I love feedback. Please don't hesitate to flick me an email…and If you've enjoyed this episode, please do leave a positive review, etc. that would help me so much ..thank you in advance