Previous Episode: The Patient Hum
Next Episode: Fairy Tale

Episode#119: This Is How It Goes   (Song starts at 4:28)

The evening I recorded this episode, I went outside because I heard a strange song.

A chorus of hundreds of frogs could be heard on the wind. Talk about nature’s tune. These frogs were really making a racket.

As it turned out, this fitted in nicely with the song featured on this week's episode. ‘This Is How It Goes’ talks about getting in touch with nature’s tune.

Also, following on from the essence of last week's podcast: as we are all in a state of constant change, we might as well do it in conjunction with nature - it just might be a smoother path.

What inspired me to write this song? Well, to answer that, I'd like to share this: a reader of my blog posts contacted me recently to let me know she enjoyed me sharing the 'how I paint a seascape foreground’. This sort of showing the ‘step by step process’ is much like how I share how I write a song here. She was amazed I was self taught as a painter (as I am, as a songwriter)..

I replied, quoting something I read about: if you put 10,000 hours into something , you're going to come up with something...substantial.

I think for a few reasons.You’re not going to do anything by choice for 10000 hours unless it's something you're passionate about. So it's likely to be something that comes naturally to you.

Also, you're going to make 10,000 mistakes along the way, as you figure out your style. You figure out which mistakes you're going to keep as you find your own voice.

Your natural, original voice. It’s something that you’ll know when you find it- and others will know, too.

Everybody enjoys different sorts of voices. I'm a big fan of Bob Dylan. I love the way he sings Make You Feel My Love. There’s so much felling and experience in his voice.

I think if you find your own voice in life, regardless of what you get up to, it’ll all come together for you, somehow. That's the essence of this song.

I'm pleased I chose to share this song in this episode, following on from last week's Patient Hum from 1998 . You can hear the evolution of a songwriter. This one was written in 2016. 18 years are going to bring about some changes.

And that is the path of the artist & the songwriter; it’s a slowly changing mysterious path.

This podcast is slowly evolving. Each episode unfolds in a very free manner. I record these episodes without any sort of script or forethought. I let the song, the music and the lyrics lead the way - and I make sure I’m having fun.

Eventually I'll produce a video course based on aspects of this podcast. I'm looking forward to that ( I've already done a lot of work towards my ebooks and video courses. How I:  play piano; paint seascapes; draw cartoons, etc).

You can keep up with me by joining my email list. That way you won't miss a thing. My blog has the lyrics to this song ( I include the lyrics each week) on

I hope you enjoy hearing about the song This Is How It Goes. It's always a surprise to me where these episodes get to - and this one is no exception.
