Previous Episode: Explain The Night
Next Episode: Girl Called Insomnia

Episode #44: The View   (Song at 9:42sec)
This week's song 'The View', is song #428 from my songbooks.  It's one of 16 songs which were recorded in an afternoon. You would have to call them demos, but I called it an album and released 100 CDs once upon a time. Doing this episode now will push me on to re-releasing these songs on bandcamp as an 'archive' release. 
I've had a brief holiday but now I'm back and I'm juggling a fair bit. I'm Back into Gigging, painting a seascape, drawing a cartoon, making videos, writing - plus lots more. Yep, I'm busy. So I have to consciously put a hat on for each task. in this case: my songwriting hat... I compose a piece of piano music as I'm recording this episode. That was unexpected!
Each week I'm surprised as to what comes up as I chat. Songwriting's a big subject & while it means an awful lot to me, my delivery on this podcast is laidback. I take the art of composing very seriously, but I've got my feet on the ground. I'm having some fun here each week.
I'm having fun sharing some ideas. I keep it entertaining, get the idea. It's like you're in an intimate audience, I'm the singer songwriter at the piano, sharing with you where the song came from, what it's about. 
Why am I doing this? I think it's a good thing to pass things on once you've learned them. I like trying to make a positive difference to someone's day. If that's you, and you've found you've enjoyed this episode, please do leave a positive rating, a kind review - thank you in advance. Also, perhaps If you'd like to subscribe - that way you won't miss an episode! 
Where I'm heading with this podcast is very fluid... this may be 'it' - or I may distill this series into a more compact form and present a songwriting series of videos or ebooks or... We'll see. 
For now, I'm loving putting each show together. I hope you enjoy hearing about where the lyrics came from, how the music came together's all so fascinating to me.