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Episode #136: The Roughest Cut   (song starts 5:30 & 27:57)
It’s been a beautiful, pristine, blue sky, early spring day today. But as dusk happened, the night fell, the wind started to get up. I don’t mind that. In fact, listening to the wind when you’re safely indoors is pretty relaxing,
Music has the power to lift your spirits. The same with lyrics. The combined force of music and lyrics really has the power to dramatically change our mood for the better.
We always have the choice to focus on the good stuff. I include some audio I recorded as I sat in my car today…on my right was the grey city. On the left was a grassy section, the light catching the seed heads, & the shadows. Through the grass wound a path.
I chose to ignore the passing cars, the city and focussed on the sound of the wind in the grass, the way the grass moved in the late afternoon clear spring sunlight.
I planned to bring that sound of the field, well at least the mood, into my song this evening.
At that stage, I didn’t realise I’d be talking about 'The Roughest Cut'. It’s a bit of a rocker. But when I opened my song book tonight, it just seemed to be the one.
When that happens, I don’t question it.
So I recorded a quieter version, then couldn’t help myself…I started to dress it up a little with a vibraphone, a synth and some strings. It’s amazing how an arrangement can come together so quickly.
On this episode, I also include the version recorded by PP and The Patient Hum. This was the title track - the song that finishes a recent album of ours.
I talk about dynamics on this episode. Everything natural in life has its ups and downs. We all do. So by bringing the volume up and down as you perform a song, it’s going to be more engaging for the listener and it’ll have more emotion.
And emotion would be number one, in my opinion.
The words came first with this song. I just wrote it from top to bottom (you can read the lyrics on my blog )
Eventually the line ‘even the roughest cut becomes a diamond’ came through. That’s when I knew this would be the title, the main message of the song.
It’s a fascinating process. After all these episodes, I really feel like there’s still so much to discover and talk about…
The creative realm, it sure is a great way to get into the now.
Ok sit back and have a listen, I hope you enjoy the chat and the music, it’s all pretty relaxed around here. I present as if I’m on a small stage, sitting at my piano, addressing an intimate audience - that would be your good selves.
Ok, on with the show. Away we go. Enjoy!