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Episode #42: Still the Same (Lucky Man)  (Song at 4:22sec)
Hi Folks, welcome to episode #42. The song kicks in at the 4mins-22seconds mark - but first…today I'll take you down to a Summer Music Festival in Mornington (Vic, Australia). I was hired to perform on the street. The first song I played, I made up on the spot, especially for a dachshund who was sitting you do.
Still The Same (Lucky Man) was written in late Dec, 2017 - a time of year when we often reflect on the things that were (during the year) and what might be  next year). 
I wrote this song for my wife. I talk about things like where the song came from: in the opening lyrics you go from ‘walking at sunset’ and the next line it's a close up of the 'light in her eye'. All you need is a start.
As a songwriter, you’re like a director, imagining a movie. When you're in this creative state and its all unfolding naturally. It's really like you're being you're own secretary, trying to keep up with the action, one line leads quickly to the next and then another entirely different (but still related) scene unfolds.
It's an endlessly fascinating business analysing the process. I’m having fun as I play the piano here and there, to demonstrate what I'm talking about. 
..and there is plenty of fun along the way. This week I relate a yarn about me dressing up rather scarily at Halloween to drop one off my kids at some new friends of ours house.
This is a love song -  but it's more of a reflective 'mature' type of song rather than 'oh baby I love you' type of ‘early days declaration of love’ type of song.
Often it's only as a song unfolds that you find out truly what it's about…and then when you have a dig, there’s often more layers.
So join in now, pull up chair and have a listen to a songwriter speaking -  and having fun. Enjoy!