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Episode #49: Original   (Song at 6.24)
Hi, I'm Pete Pascoe. I'm a songwriter (800+songs), a painter, a pianist, cartoonist and a writer. I'm enjoying recording these episodes, talking about the creative song writing process that goes on...amongst other things.
Welcome to another episode of exploration, experimentation, information and fun...
This is the podcast where I feature a demo of a song I've composed. Each week, I endeavour to shed some light on where these songs come from. 
It's a fascinating thing for me, analysing the process. It's often surprising to me just how much I can remember about how the lyrics and the music came together. I just follow my nose on these episodes, there's very little structure and I think this allows for freedom of thought - creative thought- which is exactly what's required to explain some of this business.
In this week's episode, I touch on self development, how that process can be enhanced, helped, etc by following a creative path. 
I'm fully on that path. I'm very grateful that I've managed to hang onto the freedom I had as a child - freedom of thought and freedom in terms of what I choose to get up to with my life. 
In this week's blog post, I've written about it. The importance of getting outside, away from the Internet, etc. 
The song Original (song# 291) returns to that theme. In amongst some big picture sort of global conflicts/events It talks about the importance of finding your own path - it certainly doesn't have to be at odds with society, but I think ideally we need to live a life that honest one. An original one.
As we grow, our world view grows and we change our views. This song was written by a relatively young person, finding his way in his twenties. 
There's lots of songwriting tips, there's humour, life get the picture.
Thanks for tuning in. I hope you enjoy the music and I hope you enjoy the chat.
Here’s the link to my blog post which has the lyrics from Original and this week’s painting on it, plus a bit more.  enjoy