Previous Episode: Secret Lullabies

Episode #79: It's True     (Song at 6.25)
Welcome to a very mellow, slightly mysterious sounding episode. This week's featured song has that sort of a vibe about it. 
Song #60, written in 2014, came about a few days after a fishing expedition. It was a moonlit evening and I set off after sunset. 
In fact, we going to set off together. Yep, on this episode I'll take you with me to spend a bit of a peaceful time down by the water. The waves are lapping, the moon is shining on the water...
Why would we do this? To set the mood. It's all about the feeling, this creative business of songwriting. This is where the song had its beginnings.
Standing out on the breakwater, next to the deep water, deep thoughts sometimes come floating through. 
A beautiful fish came to me on the tides. I did feel bad that it had come to the end of the days, but a family needs to eat. 
A few days later, a couple of mysterious, peaceful melodies came through my fingers on the keys. Words came to me.
It's the wildest thing to admit that a song or 2 could come about after landing a fish, but that's what happened in this case.
At the beginning of this episode, you'll see I haven't hit on that idea yet. In fact I admit I'm casting about (pun unintended), but that's what I was doing, looking for the next thread...something 'true' to shed light on this creative exercise. 
Then I saw the line ‘silver fish from deep blue sea’ in the song book and that was it. I picked up the thread, got in to the flow....then as the song played, it came to me to take you, the listener, fishing with me. 
Come on now, grab the other bike, don't worry, I'll carry the fishing gear. It's only a five minute ride and we'll be there. 
Let's see where this song came from, shall we? 
But the way, if you like the sound of of this song, you can hear 9 more like it, on the album The Long Haul, on bandcamp ( Pete Pascoe and co)…it’s all piano / vocal, with some subtle keyboard strings. One day I'll release the album with full band arrangement.  
Back to this episode... Here, hold this fishing rod, let's see if we're going to catch a fish…