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Episode #75: Harbour Lights   (Song starts at 7.35)
Hi there. If this is your first time here, what can you expect from having a listen?
You'll find a show packed with music, humour, anecdotes..even the odd bird call. (!) 
I'm here to entertain you by providing a relaxed 30 minutes of conversation. Sure it's a pretty one sided conversation, but thanks so much for those of you tuning in each week. I feel like I'm in your company...
plus you'll get to hear some new music - well, it'll be new to you, but each week I select a song from the 800 or so I've composed over the years - and I'm still going (last week's episode featured the most recent song I've written). 
Harbour lights was composed in 2011. It's a description of tough period in someone's life (there's a bit of me in it - it was one of my shakier chapters). But I got through it. As they say, the darkest hour is just before dawn. There’s an uplifting chorus and finish with this song. So, ultimately, it’s got an ‘up’ sort of feeling about it.
On that note, judging by recent feedback, it seems this podcast is lifting spirits, that is fantastic. This is one of the reasons I started this podcast. We could all do with a lift in these uncertain times.
Another reason I'm doing this is to share my song working tips (by the way, I'm not going to tell you how to write a song, but I'm going to share with you how I do it).
I'm loving recording these episodes, it's a fun, fluid process each week. It's all ‘off the cuff’ - as I walk in to the studio each time, I have no idea what I going to talk about. I allow the mood, the music, etc to lead the way.....
As usual, I had some fun on this episode... Given the dramatic nature of the song, I just felt the need, as an entertainer, to lighten the mood. 
Ok I hope this one lifts your spirits.  Enjoy ! 
By the way, here's my blog. This is where you’ll find the lyrics, the painting and photos I mention  - and more:  / the ‘Black Cockatoos’ post.