Previous Episode: Wide Open
Next Episode: You’re Going To Be Ok

Episode #128:   Goodbye To Say Hello   (Song starts at 4:46)
Welcome to another episode. Where does a song come from? It’s something I’m fascinated by.
This has lead me to producing 120-something episodes.
That amazes me. I wasn’t sure I’d get past my first one.
But all we need is a start. And away we go. Isn’t that like just being human… we make a start and…. we make it up.
The great songwriter Jimmy Webb inspired the style of song that this is. I’d been to his concert here in Melbourne, back in the year 2000. I remember he was talking about Simon and Garfunkel.
This lead me to thinking about how relationships can be so strong, so passionate. I thought more specifically about events and people in my life, how they come and go.
So I just started writing from that honest place within, the words just rolled out line after line and then I hit on the chorus goodbye to say hello.
It came to me that with forgiveness and understanding, a relationship that has come to a crisis point, feeling like it’s the end, perhaps that’s when a new start can happen.. and a friendship or relationship can become something even stronger -  if both parties choose to make it happen.
Ahh, the rich tapestry of life. The artistic path has all sorts of twists and turns. It’s important to keep up with friendships. It can be a lonely path, otherwise.
The bonus is: you come up with art and music that gives you and others and pleasure.
I’d like to record this song one day soon. I’m glad I stumbled across it in my song book for this episode.
The music comes together pretty quickly for me. The feeling guides the choice of key, the fingers play on the key and a melody is sung.
It amazes me when this happens. It’s an absolute joy.
It was a pleasure to sing this demo while recording this episode.
I hope you enjoy Goodbye To Say Hello - and hearing about how it came together.
It’s a complicated business, but it’s instinctive for me and that’s what makes it fun…
Here we go enjoy
Here’s the links I mention:
Blog with the lyrics and music and art 
Lots of music:
YouTube : Pete Pascoe Art and Music
'The Untrodden Track' album ( Pascoe / Dredge)