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Episode #53: Everlasting  (Song at 5.48)
Hi there, 
Welcome to another episode. If it's your first time here, thanks for stopping by. My plan is to try and put you in the shoes of a songwriter - both in general terms and also what I was thinking and feeling when I wrote the song featured in each episode. 
I'm having a fun week. I inherited a very nice old writing desk. Being a writer, I am stoked with this. I also picked up a cool lamp for my studio (from the grass verge). I actually talked to the guy as he was returning home from a jog. The lamp had belonged to his mum. I said to him it's going to be put to good use in my studio.
I bring these things up because it is good to create a space that makes you feel good in a creative sense. Makes sense, right? 
Ok, Everlasting, song # 519 ...this one was inspired by the bird chorus - both the dawn chorus and the evening song. It can't help but give us a lift if we stop and listen. Which I do. 
The kookaburras did their thing this morning at 5.30 am, waking me from a deep sleep. It didn't worry me. It's a great sound - and they know when to shut up, which is a good thing. 
Birdsong is so peaceful, it inspires a bigger picture / underlying, deeper themes and I attempted to put some of those feelings and ideas in the lyrics for a short simple song. 
Every time I write a song it fills me with so much energy. And something happens when I turn the mic on and record these podcast episodes… the same energy fills me. A lot of the songwriting process is a complete mystery and it'll remain that way. There is an awful lot that you can analyse and I do talk about the importance of catching ‘feeling’. That's so important...probably even before ‘a message’…in terms of what a song should have.
I hope you enjoy this episode. As usual there’s some pretty deep concepts, but it's all presented in a relaxed manner. I'm enjoying this so much. Thanks again for stopping by. 
In this episode, I do mention the painting I did today while sitting at the beach. You can see the painting, the writing desk, the everlasting painting and the lamp + the lyrics to everlasting  on this week's's on.  Enjoy.