Previous Episode: #8 Fall Asleep – 5:52

This podcast is evolving. It's becoming a collection of song-writing tips, concepts. It's also bringing anecdotes to the surface - stories I'd forgotten about, that had their origins at the time the song was written. Plus there are observations on the complexity of the human condition, the evolving self & the opportunity for growth - by working through the challenges that life presents as we push on. 
Art and music are great mediums to document these events, as there's a lot of emotion and not everything that happens to us during our time on earth is easily summed up with spoken/written language by itself. 
On that note, Second Story is a song that describes a process: how it feels to sort of disappear into another world which can happen during writing a song. Transcending time and space, it really gets you out of the skin. Maybe if you're lucky, when you come back to your sense of self that you're normally accustomed to, you'll have some echoes of what you've experienced - like memories, somehow in the present. And these can become the building blocks for a song. 
I was house sitting at the time, there was a baby grand beneath an arched window, in a sun drenched room. Brilliant for song writing. I recorded an albums worth of songs in the 10 days or s  that I was in this house, Alfred the dog kept me company as I noodled away on the keys and waited to see where the piano would take me. 
Two versions here. The original demo. And the finished album cut
The demo is quite ethereal somehow, which suits the subject material. 
I describe in some depth this pretty much transcendent type of experience here. 
It blew me away and it seems like yesterday. I enjoyed taking myself back in time as a part of re-experiencing this. Another journey of discovery. Enjoy.