Previous Episode: #26: Fair New Day – 6:33
Next Episode: #28: My Picture – 9:22

Welcome back to another episode.
It was peaceful this morning, here in Melbourne - just little light drizzle, no wind. I found I’d woken up in quite reflective state of mind. This particular song came to mind as I thought about my place in the scheme of things.
This time last year I was on the Pohangina river in the Manawatu in New Zealand. I took a photo of a pool on the river that day - place that has so many memories for me. 
You can see the photo in my blog post this week. The lyrics are there too each week, by the way, in case you’re like me and you like to read along while the song is playing.
It's a beautiful river, a very gentle paced flow. Not fast, not sluggish. Just right for a relaxed walk / wade
A bit later on, back in Melbourne, at the school where I teach piano, the first bit of melody came with a whistle as I walked between students..Then back in my piano room, the words just started to come to me.. It's something I never take for granted. 
You'll get a heartfelt song into the bargain, plus some life observations and humour. Also I’ll take you with me back in time for a peaceful walk on the river..

Welcome back to another episode.

It was peaceful this morning, here in Melbourne – just little light drizzle, no wind. I found I’d woken up in quite reflective state of mind. This particular song came to mind as I thought about my place in the scheme of things.

This time last year I was on the Pohangina river in the Manawatu in New Zealand. I took a photo of a pool on the river that day – place that has so many memories for me. 

You can see the photo in my blog post this week. The lyrics are there too each week, by the way, in case you’re like me and you like to read along while the song is playing.

It’s a beautiful river, a very gentle paced flow. Not fast, not sluggish. Just right for a relaxed walk / wade

A bit later on, back in Melbourne, at the school where I teach piano, the first bit of melody came with a whistle as I walked between students..Then back in my piano room, the words just started to come to me.. It’s something I never take for granted. 

You’ll get a heartfelt song into the bargain, plus some life observations and humour. Also I’ll take you with me back in time for a peaceful walk on the river..