Next Episode: #20: Photograph 5:40

Hi, welcome to another Song and a Chat episode. 
Before we shut down with covid 19, I used to commute on the train. I can't say I miss the commute, but I did make the most of the time on the train. Sometimes I wrote lyrics. The words to this song was written on the train. 
Of course it wasn't always as productive on my commutes. I used to ride my bike part the way. I won't give it away, but often on a commute, weather plays a part in proceedings. And it helps if you actually stay on your bike as you're pedalling.
What's this all about, I hear you say. Isn't this a podcast about a song. Well, it is, 
The song, song # 679, is a reflection on our perception of time. Sometimes a length of time can seem to go by in a blink of an eye. I touch on our disconnection, but as I tend to do, there's and uplifting optimistic angle where I suggest we might make the world a better place...
I talk about the song writing - there's some song writing tips here again. 
I actually drum on this song! This is a first - Pete Pascoe playing drums publicly. 
I learned to play the drums a little the same year I recorded this. During assembly, I used to jump on the drums in the music room at the primary school where I teach piano. I'd put the headphones on and have a lash. " right, it's basically what to whack when" ... Ha. I know it's a lot more than that, but it gave me some pleasure and I learned enough to be able to sketch out my ideas musically. Like this demo. 
Sometimes words sit around for a while and then one day they just seem to leap out at you and you put them to music. 
I hope you enjoy this week's chat - and here's some more new music for you. 
Looking forward to recording this one properly one day...maybe this demo is the start... Since we record digitally, often a demo can become the actual recording. We'll see.  Enjoy. 

Hi, welcome to another Song and a Chat episode. 

Before we shut down with covid 19, I used to commute on the train. I can’t say I miss the commute, but I did make the most of the time on the train. Sometimes I wrote lyrics. The words to this song was written on the train. 

Of course it wasn’t always as productive on my commutes. I used to ride my bike part the way. I won’t give it away, but often on a commute, weather plays a part in proceedings. And it helps if you actually stay on your bike as you’re pedalling.

What’s this all about, I hear you say. Isn’t this a podcast about a song. Well, it is, 

The song, song # 679, is a reflection on our perception of time. Sometimes a length of time can seem to go by in a blink of an eye. I touch on our disconnection, but as I tend to do, there’s and uplifting optimistic angle where I suggest we might make the world a better place…

I talk about the song writing – there’s some song writing tips here again. 

I actually drum on this song! This is a first – Pete Pascoe playing drums publicly. 

I learned to play the drums a little the same year I recorded this. During assembly, I used to jump on the drums in the music room at the primary school where I teach piano. I’d put the headphones on and have a lash. ” right, it’s basically what to whack when” … Ha. I know it’s a lot more than that, but it gave me some pleasure and I learned enough to be able to sketch out my ideas musically. Like this demo. 

Sometimes words sit around for a while and then one day they just seem to leap out at you and you put them to music. 

I hope you enjoy this week’s chat – and here’s some more new music for you. 

Looking forward to recording this one properly one day…maybe this demo is the start… Since we record digitally, often a demo can become the actual recording. We’ll see.  Enjoy.