Previous Episode: #16: Balcony – 4.03

In this episode,  I recount a couple of slices of my life back when I first came to Australia to live - including an exchange during evening in a bar, outdoors in St Kilda, Melbourne. Right then I discovered I was in a big city - a big change for someone who from New Zealand.
I also talk about what I've been up to during the week I record the podcast episode. 
This week,  I'll take you on a walk in a coastal national park, you'll join the band in a recording session and you'll get some insight into the lyrics - and song arranging in general. 
Song #435 was inspired by a fellow I met on a tram. Melbourne is renown for its trams. It's a very relaxing way to travel. I found I could read and write on the tram, much like I can on trains. I expect it's because you're on ' train tracks' and I don't get car sick there...
Woah, I've got off subject here. Actually this would serve to give you an idea of how I roll when I record a podcast episode. A theme develops, but I keep it free and go with ideas that pop into my mind - it's relaxed style of's (hopefully) humorous, entertaining and informative
By the way,  if you'd like to read the lyrics at the point of the episode, you can find them. On this week's blog post.    www.petepascoe.wordpress…./ 
If I've piqued your curiosity, great.  Join me on a 30 minute trip into another world-some past, some present, all of it being the world of a songwriter. Enjoy 'Gods Wish'.

In this episode,  I recount a couple of slices of my life back when I first came to Australia to live – including an exchange during evening in a bar, outdoors in St Kilda, Melbourne. Right then I discovered I was in a big city – a big change for someone who from New Zealand.

I also talk about what I’ve been up to during the week I record the podcast episode. 

This week,  I’ll take you on a walk in a coastal national park, you’ll join the band in a recording session and you’ll get some insight into the lyrics – and song arranging in general. 

Song #435 was inspired by a fellow I met on a tram. Melbourne is renown for its trams. It’s a very relaxing way to travel. I found I could read and write on the tram, much like I can on trains. I expect it’s because you’re on ‘ train tracks’ and I don’t get car sick there…

Woah, I’ve got off subject here. Actually this would serve to give you an idea of how I roll when I record a podcast episode. A theme develops, but I keep it free and go with ideas that pop into my mind – it’s relaxed style of delivery…it’s (hopefully) humorous, entertaining and informative

By the way,  if you’d like to read the lyrics at the point of the episode, you can find them. On this week’s blog post.    www.petepascoe.wordpress…./ 

If I’ve piqued your curiosity, great.  Join me on a 30 minute trip into another world-some past, some present, all of it being the world of a songwriter. Enjoy ‘Gods Wish’.