In this seminar, I shall describe recent work by our group on iden- tifying pockets of gas at high redshift that have undergone mini- mum processing through stars. The chemical composition of such gas still bears the imprints of the first few generations of stars that formed only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, and thereby gives us clues to the physical properties of these still mys- terious objects which heralded the so-called ‘epoch of reionisation’. Near-pristine gas at high redshift is also the astrophysical environ- ment where the primordial abundance of deuterium can be measured most precisely. I will show how determinations of the cosmic den- sity of baryons from Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis and from the Cosmic Microwave Background have now reached comparable precision, in both cases of order of a few percent. The excellent agreement be- tween these two measures at widely different cosmic epochs places interesting limits on the existence of relativistic particles beyond the standard model of physics.